
Showing posts from September, 2017


If you are wondering what is the best Tankless Water Heater then it is vital that you check out helpful websites such as and arm yourself with as much information as you possibly can. There are an abundance of different factors to take into account when choosing a Tankless Water Heater and it can sometimes be a daunting task, however if you go through everything and cover all the bases then all will be well. In the previous post I covered the question of whether to get a gas or electric Tankless Water Heater . In this post we will go into more detail about the entire process of selection, covering exactly what kind of questions to ask yourself, what you should look out for and some essential steps to take along the way to make sure the purchase you finally make will be the correct one, and not leave you with an expensive mistake on your hands. The first and perhaps the most important step in this process is ascertaining what level of hot wate


“Should I purchase a Gas or Electric Tankless Water Heater?” This is a question I see being asked very regularly by consumers, especially those who have had little or no experience with these kinds of units in the past. There is no straightforward way to answer this question though as it all depends on your specific circumstances and the hot water demands of your particular residence. Whether to buy a gas or electric model is part of a much wider question with many points to consider. First of all some background on each. Electric Tankless Water Heaters are powered by electricity and use an electric element to heat the incoming flow of water. They tend to be more compact in design than gas units and require no ventilation. Although they do require much more power to operate so are usually a better option for small residences of only a few persons. Tankless Gas Water Heaters are operated by way of Natural Gas or Propane. They use gas burners to heat the incoming water flow


Hello and welcome to my blog. I have been a plumber for over 15 years and specialise in Tankless Water Heaters. With this blog I hope to create a small resource for people who are looking for more info prior to purchasing these units can utilise. There should be enough information posted along with other websites and videos I find useful to give you everything you need to make an informed buying decision. For a little more info on me check out my about page, and should you have any further questions feel free to contact me. Thank you